The Planting Parable
The Sower
Matthew 13:1-23
Dr. Shane Moore, Pastor     March 29, 2020
The _______________ of the Parables (Matt. 13:10-17)
   a. There was _______________ from religious leaders. (Matt. 13:11; 13:15)
   b. The crowds were __________________. (Matt. 12:23)
   c. The followers of Jesus were given _____________________. (Matt. 13:16-17)
The ___________________ Outcomes When Planting (Matt. 13:18-22)
   a. The _________________ Heart (v. 18)
   b. The _________________ Heart (vv. 20-21)
   c. The _________________ Heart (v. 22)
   d. The _________________ Heart (v. 23)
The _____________________ of Proclamation (Matt. 12:23)