Walking in Light of the Resurrection

Luke 24:13-35
Jesus Seeks Us Even During Our ____________ (Luke 24:13-24)
a. God’s ________ is gradually revealed to us in order that we learn certain (v.16)
b. God’s ________ can be trusted even when our emotions cause us to fear. (vv. 21-24)
Jesus Shows Himself During Our _________ (Luke 24:25-32)
a. We see Jesus more clearly when we are able to push through _________ and _________ time with Jesus. (vv. 29-32)
b. Sometimes God is waiting for us to be obedient before He reveals His ________ for our future. (v.32)
Jesus is Shared During Our ________ (Luke 24:33-35)
Acts 1:8
a. God’s _________.
b. God’s _________.
c. God’s _________.