Mark 10:35-45
The last sign of health for a Christian or for a Church is: are they serving? Are we being obedient to God’s call? All the healthy signs reveal themselves and result themselves in service! If we are healthy, yet not serving, we are wasting our life. (A body-builder that never uses his strength for any purpose apart from vanity.)
We are asking the question each week: If Oak Hill ceased to exist, would the community miss us? Are we serving in such a way that the community says, “Wow, they’re pointing others to Jesus.”
A Call to Radical Discipleship and Sacrifice v.38
Many craft their own Christianity, but Christ has called us to follow Him in suffering and service. Serving is a mindset of ‘I’m going to follow Christ even during suffering’. A soldier is charged to serve with honor even when it cost him life!
Mark 8:34 “And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”
A Commitment to Redefine Success vv.43-44
Success is not being served or being made much of; success in the Kingdom is to be a slave! We put others before us because they eternally matter for His glory! I want others to know Jesus, that’s why I serve. Churches have a consumer mentality! How can the church serve me? The redefinition of success is ‘how can I serve Christ; how can I serve the Church’.
A Cry to Remain in Service v.45
Nothing is easier than to just rest in your service to the Lord. Many will say that they’ve served Christ, it’s someone else’s turn. That may be the wrong attitude. Are we equipping people to serve? My job is to equip others according to Ephesians 4:12 “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.”