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Revelation 6:1-17
Dr. Billy Graham said, “The shadows of all four horsemen can already be seen galloping throughout the world at this moment.”
Background: Revelation chapters 6-19 contain the details into what is referred to as the “Day of the Lord.” In Jer. 30:7 it’s known as “the time of Jacob’s trouble” and in Dan. 9:27 as “Daniel’s seventieth week.” We know it as the tribulation. Many believe that the Church will be spared from God’s wrath or the Great tribulation. This doesn’t mean that the Church won’t experience tribulation, especially maybe not what is referred to here. God has allowed four cavalry men to bring blood shed to the earth. In this chapter John records who they are and describes the first form of Judgement, the seal judgment. You have to see this chapter with the eyes of Zechariah 1:7-17, Ezekiel 14:12-23, Leviticus 26:14-33
He will bring Justice to His people and Judgement to those who reject Him! Let me give you an overview of the different types of judgement. The Seventh Seal is here in chapter 6. The seven trumpets are in chs.8-9, and the seven bowls are chs.15-16.
Chs. 4-5 set the stage of God’s glory and the Lamb’s grace to begin the judgement.
The Watchful Time of Judgment is Determined (vv.1-2)
We don’t believe that this is Jesus on the white horse. Jesus on the white horse is seen later in Revelation 19. Angels cannot determine or command Jesus to do anything.
The Weapon of Unrest will be Deployed (vv.3-4)
No peace, total chaos will happen. Matthew 24:10 “And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another.”
The World’s Famine will be Devastating (vv.5-6)
In Lamentations 5:10, it associates black with famine. It makes sense. Civil unrest, no peace, undoubtedly leads to food shortage.
v.6 – One quart of wheat was the amount to sustain a person one day. Barley was normally animal feed, but could be consumed by the poor man. A denarius was a day’s wage. So a person would work all day just to feed himself or herself one meal. Inflation will be 15 times that of normal wages. Today 2019, famine kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria, and other diseases. 805 million people do not have enough to eat to live a healthy life! The Sub-Saharan African region has one person in four undernourished.
The Wrath of Death will Destroy Many (vv.7-8)
It’s estimated that we have 7.7 billion in 2019. Think about a fourth of the earth. I’m going to round up to 8 billion people. If that were to happen today, 2 billion people would die.
Matthew 10:28 “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
The True Worshippers of Jesus will Never Die (vv.9-11)

You will suffer, but be faithful to the Word You will be slain, be faithful as a Witness  

There may be an opportunity for others who do the same. The Second Death, Hell, will not happen to those who trust in Jesus. On Dec.2, 2014, four Iraqi children were beheaded by ISIS after refusing to covert to Islam. Their last words were, “No, We Love Jesus!” They will be seen when the fifth seal is opened!  
The Wrath of the Lamb will be Unimaginatively Destructive (vv.12-17)
One thing is sure: Those who believe that God will not judge anybody for anything, they are dead wrong! People are either marked with God’s seal or Satan’s seal!